Acronyms in Web Development
Tech is so full of acronyms that it’s hard to know them all.
Here’s a brief list of acronyms in Web Development and related fields:
- AI Artificial Intelligence
- AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML
- API Application Programming Interface
- AWS Amazon Web Services
- CD Continuous Deployment
- CDN Content Delivery Network
- CI Continuous Integration
- CLI Command Line Interface
- CMS Content Management System
- CORS Cross Origin Resource Sharing
- CRUD Create, read, update, and delete
- CSS Cascading Style Sheets
- CTA Call To Action
- DDD Domain Driven Design
- DNS Domain Name System
- DOM Document Object Model
- DRY Don’t Repeat Yourself
- FTP File Transfer Protocol
- GA Google Analytics
- GCP Google Cloud Platform
- GNU Gnu’s Not Unix
- GPL General Public Licence
- GUI Graphical User Interface
- HTML HyperText Markup Language
- HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
- IAAS Infrastructure As A Service
- IDE Integrated Development Environment
- IE Internet Explorer (RIP)
- IP Internet Protocol
- JSON JavaScript Object Notation
- KISS Keep It Simple Stupid
- LTS Long Term Support
- MDN Mozilla Developer Network
- ML Machine Learning
- MVC Model View Controller
- MVP Minimum Viable Product
- NPM Node Package Manager
- OOP Object Oriented Programming
- OSS Open Source Software
- PAAS Platform As A Service
- PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
- PR Pull Request
- REPL Read Execute Print Loop
- REST REpresentational State Transfer
- RPC Remote Procedure Call
- SAAS Software As A Service
- SEO Search Engine Optimization
- SFC Single File Component
- SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
- SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- SPA Single Page Application
- SQL Structured Query Language
- SSH Secure SHell
- SSL Secure Socket Layer
- TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet protocol
- TDD Test Driven Development
- TLD Top Level Domain
- TLDR Too Long Didn’t Read
- VPN Virtual Private Network
- VPS Virtual Private Server
- W3C World Wide Web (W*3) Consortium
- WET Write Everything Twice
- WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
- XML Extensible Markup Language
- XSS Cross Site Scripting
- YAGNI You Ain’t Gonna Need It
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