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How to send an email using nodemailer

Here’s how to send an email using nodemailer.

First install it:

npm install nodemailer

Then import it in your Node script or app:

import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'

Initialize a transporter object that we’ll use later to send the email:

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  host: '',
  port: 465,
  secure: true,
  auth: {
    user: 'smtp_user',
    pass: 'smtp_pass',

⚠️ NOTE: you need to fill those values with a real SMTP server credentials

Now create an options object with the details of the email you want to send:

const options = {
  from: '[email protected]',
  to: '[email protected]',
  subject: 'Hi!',
  html: `<p>Hello</>`,

Finally call the sendMail() method on the transporter object you created previously, passing options and a callback that will be executed when it’s finished:

transporter.sendMail(options, (err, info) => {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    console.log('EMAIL SENT')

This also accepts a promise-based syntax:

const info = await transporter.sendMail(options)

Full code:

import nodemailer from 'nodemailer'

const sendEmail = () => {
  const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: '',
    port: 465,
    secure: true,
    auth: {
      user: 'smtp_user',
      pass: 'smtp_pass',

  const options = {
    from: '[email protected]',
    to: '[email protected]',
    subject: 'Hi!',
    html: `<p>Hello</>`,

	transporter.sendMail(options, (err, info) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      console.log('EMAIL SENT')

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