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How to store passwords in the database

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You don’t. You don’t store passwords in the database. You store the password hash, a string generated from the password, but from which no one can go back to the original password value.

Using Node, install bcrypt:

npm install bcrypt

Require it, and define the salt rounds value, we’ll use it later:

const bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

const saltRounds = 10

Create a password hash

Create a password hash using:

const hash = await bcrypt.hash('PASSWORD', saltRounds)

where PASSWORD is the actual password string.

If you prefer callbacks:

bcrypt.hash('PASSWORD', saltRounds, (err, hash) => {

Then you can store the hash value in the database.

Verify the password hash

To verify the password, compare it with the hash stored in the database using

const result = await'PASSWORD', hash) 
//result is true or false

Using callbacks:'somePassword', hash, (err, result) => {
  //result is true or false

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