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The JavaScript Math library

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The Math object contains lots of utilities math-related. This tutorial describes them all

The Math object contains lots of utilities math-related.

It contains constants and functions.


Math.EThe constant e, base of the natural logarithm (means ~2.71828)
Math.LN10The constant that represents the base e (natural) logarithm of 10
Math.LN2The constant that represents the base e (natural) logarithm of 2
Math.LOG10EThe constant that represents the base 10 logarithm of e
Math.LOG2EThe constant that represents the base 2 logarithm of e
Math.PIThe π constant (~3.14159)
Math.SQRT1_2The constant that represents the reciprocal of the square root of 2
Math.SQRT2The constant that represents the square root of 2


All those functions are static. Math cannot be instantiated.


Returns the absolute value of a number

Math.abs(2.5) //2.5
Math.abs(-2.5) //2.5


Returns the arccosine of the operand

The operand must be between -1 and 1

Math.acos(0.8) //0.6435011087932843


Returns the arcsine of the operand

The operand must be between -1 and 1

Math.asin(0.8) //0.9272952180016123


Returns the arctangent of the operand

Math.atan(30) //1.5374753309166493


Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments.

Math.atan2(30, 20) //0.982793723247329


Rounds a number up

Math.ceil(2.5) //3
Math.ceil(2) //2
Math.ceil(2.1) //3
Math.ceil(2.99999) //3


Return the cosine of an angle expressed in radiants

Math.cos(0) //1
Math.cos(Math.PI) //-1


Return the value of Math.E multiplied per the exponent that’s passed as argument

Math.exp(1) //2.718281828459045
Math.exp(2) //7.38905609893065
Math.exp(5) //148.4131591025766


Rounds a number down

Math.floor(2.5) //2
Math.floor(2) //2
Math.floor(2.1) //2
Math.floor(2.99999) //2


Return the base e (natural) logarithm of a number

Math.log(10) //2.302585092994046
Math.log(Math.E) //1


Return the highest number in the set of numbers passed

Math.max(1,2,3,4,5) //5
Math.max(1) //1


Return the smallest number in the set of numbers passed

Math.max(1,2,3,4,5) //1
Math.max(1) //1


Return the first argument raised to the second argument

Math.pow(1, 2) //1
Math.pow(2, 1) //2
Math.pow(2, 2) //4
Math.pow(2, 4) //16


Returns a pseudorandom number between 0.0 and 1.0

Math.random() //0.9318168241227056
Math.random() //0.35268950194094395


Rounds a number to the nearest integer

Math.round(1.2) //1
Math.round(1.6) //2


Calculates the sin of an angle expressed in radiants

Math.sin(0) //0
Math.sin(Math.PI) //1.2246467991473532e-16)


Return the square root of the argument

Math.sqrt(4) //2
Math.sqrt(16) //4
Math.sqrt(5) //2.23606797749979


Calculates the tangent of an angle expressed in radiants

Math.tan(0) //0
Math.tan(Math.PI) //-1.2246467991473532e-16
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