How much JavaScript do you need to know to use Node?
If you are just starting out with JavaScript, how much deeply do you need to know the language?
As a beginner, it’s hard to get to a point where you are confident enough in your programming abilities.
While learning to code, you might also be confused at where does JavaScript end, and where Node.js begins, and vice versa.
I would recommend you to have a good grasp of the main JavaScript concepts before diving into Node.js:
- Lexical Structure
- Expressions
- Types
- Variables
- Functions
- this
- Arrow Functions
- Loops
- Loops and Scope
- Arrays
- Template Literals
- Semicolons
- Strict Mode
- ECMAScript 6, 2016, 2017
With those concepts in mind, you are well on your road to become a proficient JavaScript developer, in both the browser and in Node.js.
The following concepts are also key to understand asynchronous programming, which is one fundamental part of Node.js:
- Asynchronous programming and callbacks
- Timers
- Promises
- Async and Await
- Closures
- The Event Loop
→ I wrote 17 books to help you become a better developer:
- C Handbook
- Command Line Handbook
- CSS Handbook
- Express Handbook
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Go Handbook
- HTML Handbook
- JS Handbook
- Laravel Handbook
- Next.js Handbook
- Node.js Handbook
- PHP Handbook
- Python Handbook
- React Handbook
- SQL Handbook
- Svelte Handbook
- Swift Handbook
Also, JOIN MY CODING BOOTCAMP, an amazing cohort course that will be a huge step up in your coding career - covering React, Next.js - next edition February 2025