Using Redis Sets
Sets have 2 main differences with lists:
- sets are not ordered
- sets only hold an item once
Create a set using
SADD <setkey> <value>
The same command is used to add more items to the set.
SADD names "Flavio"
SADD names "Roger"
SADD names "Tony" "Mark" "Jane"
Get all the items in a set using SMEMBERS <setkey>
Find out if a value is in a set with SISMEMBER
SISMEMBER names "Flavio"
To know how many items are in a set, use SCARD
SCARD names
Get (without removing) an item from the set, randomly:
Extract (and remove) an item from the set, casually ordered:
SPOP names
You can extract multiple items at once:
SPOP names 2
Remove an item from a set by value:
SREM names "Flavio"
Get the items contained in 2 different sets, exclusing elements only included in one with SINTER
SINTER set1 set2
See all the sets commands here.
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