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Swift Conditionals: `switch`

This tutorial belongs to the Swift series

Switch statements are a handy way to create a conditional with multiple options:

var name = "Roger"

switch name {
case "Roger":
    print("Hello, mr. Roger!")
    print("Hello, \(name)")

When the code of a case ends, the switch exits automatically.

A switch in Swift needs to cover all cases. If the tag, name in this case, is a string that can have any value, we need to add a default case, mandatory.

Otherwise with an enumeration, you can simply list all the options:

enum Animal {
    case dog
    case cat

var animal: Animal = .dog

switch animal {
case .dog:
    print("Hello, dog!")
case .cat:
    print("Hello, cat!")

A case can be a Range:

var age = 20

switch age {
case 0..<18:
    print("You can't drive!!")
    print("You can drive")

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