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The BroadcastChannel API

Learn the basics of 1-to-many communication using the BroadcastChannel API

The Channel Messaging API is a great way to send 1-to-1 messages from a window to an iframe, from a window to a Web Worker, and so on.

The BroadcastChannel API can be used to send 1-to-many messages, communicating to multiple entities at the same time.

You start by initializing a BroadcastChannel object:

const channel = new BroadcastChannel('thechannel')

To send a message on the channel you use the postMessage() method:


A message can be any of those supported values:

To receive messages from the channel, listen to the message event:

channel.onmessage = (event) => {

This event is fired for all listeners, except the one that is sending the message.

You can close the channel using:


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