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A list of cool Chrome DevTools Tips and Tricks

The Chrome DevTools provide an amazing set of tools to help you develop on the Web platform. Here are a few tips you might not know yet

Check out the overview of Chrome DevTools if you’re new to them

Drag and Drop in the Elements panel

In the Elements panel you can drag and drop any HTML element and change its position across the page

Drag and Drop in the Elements Panel

Reference the currently selected element in the Console

Select a node in the Elements panel, and type $0 in the console to reference it.

Reference elements in the Console

Tip: if you’re using jQuery, you can enter $($0) to access the jQuery API on this element.

Use the value of the last operation in the Console

Use $_ to reference the return value of the previous operation executed in the Console

Use the last result

Add CSS and edit the element state

In the Elements panel there are 2 super useful buttons.

The first lets you add a new CSS property, with any selector you want but pre-filling the currently selected element:

Add a CSS rule

The second one lets you trigger a state for the selected element, so you can see the styles applied when it’s active, hovered, on focus.

Element state

Find where a CSS property is defined

cmd-click (ctrl-click on Windows) a CSS property in the Elements panel, the DevTools will point you to the place where that is defined, in the Source panel

Find where a CSS property is defined

Save to file the modified CSS

Click the name of the CSS file that you edited. The inspector opens it into the Sources pane and from there you can save it with the live edits you applied.

This trick does not work for new selectors added using +, or into the properties, but only for modified, existing ones.

Save to File the modified CSS

Screenshot a single element

Select an element and press cmd-shift-p (or ctrl-shift-p in Windows) to open the Command Menu, and select Capture node screenshot

Screenshot a single element

Find an element using CSS selectors

Pressing cmd-f (ctrl-f in Windows) opens the search box in the Elements panel.

You can type any string in there to match the source code, or you can also use CSS selectors to have Chrome generate an image for you:

Find an element using CSS selectors

Shift-enter in the Console

To write commands that span over multiple lines in the Console, press shift-enter.

Once you’re ready, press enter at the end of the script to execute it:

Shift-enter in the Console

Clear the Console

You can clear the console using the Clear button on the top-left of the console, or by pressing ctrl-l or cmd-k.

Go to…

In the Sources panel:

Files list

Watch Expression

Instead of writing again and again a variable name or an expression you are going to check a lot during a debug session, add it to the Watch Expression list.

Watch Expressions

XHR/Fetch debugging

From the debugger open the XHR/Fetch Breakpoints panel.

You can set it to break any time an XHR / Fetch call is sent, or just on specific ones:

XHR and Fetch debugging

Debug on DOM modifications

Right-click an element and enable Break on Subtree Modifications: whenever a script traverses that element children and modifies them, the debugger stops automatically to let you inspect what’s happening.

Debug on DOM modifications

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