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Git workflow to manage work on multiple branches

My strategy when using Git as the versioning tools for my projects

I track all my development using Git, and I always follow this strategy.

The strategy is inspired by A successful Git branching model.

I have 2 permanent branches: master and develop.

Those are the rules I follow in my daily routine:

When I take on a new issue, or decide to incorporate a feature, there are 2 main roads:

If something on our production server requires immediate action, like a bugfix I need to get solved ASAP, I do a short hotfix branch, fix the thing, test the branch locally and on a test machine, then merge it to master and develop.

If I need a quick feature/edit to be pushed on the production server, the develop branch has some unstable code in it, and I’d like that feature/edit ASAP, I can skip the develop branch, do a quick feature branch and merge it to both master and develop, as long as the feature/edit is fast and trivial. If it proves to be something more complicated down the road, it’d be better to wait and stabilise the code on the develop branch.

The develop branch will always be in a state of flux, that’s why it should be put on a ‘freeze’ when preparing a release. The code is tested and every workflow is checked to verify code quality, and it’s prepared for a merge into master.

Every time develop or another hotfix branch is merged into master, I tag it with a version number, so it’s easy to move back to a previous state if something goes wrong.

→ Want to actually learn Git? Want to stop feeling frustrated with it? I created the Git Masterclass to solve this problem!

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  • Alpine.js Handbook
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