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How I solved RSI Repetitive Strain Injury

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. This is not medical advice. This is just me sharing my experience of what worked for me. It might not work for you.

A few years back I went through a miserable period.

My arms, my hands, were a constant source of pain.

I was a computer engineer, typing in a keyboard to make a living, and I was terrified this was the end of my career.

I tried it all. New mouse, new keyboard, fixing the posture, new chair.. nothing worked.

The pain was so bad it didn’t even stop during the night. Even driving was a pain.

I had RSI. Repetitive Strain Injury.

I decided to cut back on typing. I wrapped up the contract with a company I was working for. I decided to do other things for a while, anything else than typing.

At some point I was 100% convinced I’d live forever with the pain.

Fast forward to today, and I make my living through writing. I published 14 ebooks in 2 years, I wrote 1 blog post every day for 3 years. I make courses that are in text format and I tweet dumb things every day.

How did I solve the problem?

Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor. This is what worked for me. It might not work for you. Or it might.

The answer is in our mind and I literally solved RSI in 10 seconds. After months and months of pain. Just one minute. I just had an epiphany moment.

This is the “secret” I discovered: your brain is causing the pain to the arm to stop you doing what you’re doing. You get RSI then you start worrying you have RSI and the thing gets worse.

Instead, you say to yourself “I know what you’re doing. Now I know the trick. I don’t have RSI. I just found out you want to trick me believing I have RSI! I’m not a fool”.

The moment you say so aloud, the pain will go away. Any time you feel pain, think about this. It will gradually just disappear.

I’m an engineer and if you’re like me, you’ll think “I don’t believe this, it’s just bullshit”.

Also, don’t feel the need to email me if you disagree

But it’s true. Your arms and hands have nothing wrong. Your nerves are ok. Your pain won’t be permanent.

The pain is some sort of side effect of your internal emotions. It might be the thing you are working on is frustrating, useless, or too hard.

You rationalize this with any excuse or obligation but your mind will use tricks under the hood. A little hack. Because you are using your hands to do this work, the mind will cause pain to your hands to stop you from doing your work.

The same principle is applied to many other parts of the body. For us programmers or any profession that involves a computer, it’s very common to get this arms/hands problem.

I think this might happen more frequently to people with psychosomatic issues (like panic attacks or anxiety) in the past.

There is a whole book on this topic. If you have RSI, buy it now, it will cost much less than the next piece of ergonomic equipment you want to buy. It’s called “The Mindbody Prescription” by John E. Sarno. I think this is the place where I read about it:

This book totally saved my computer programming career. No joke.

People tend to laugh about this, in disbelief. I was listening to the Indie Hackers podcast where the host laughed about this idea that RSI can be psychosomatic.

I get it. It sounds pseudoscience to the analytical person that’s trained to only believe in equations and formulas. Left brain.

You don’t have to believe me. I did a quick search on Twitter / HN to find some other opinions from random people on the Internet:

Update: Josh W. Comeau also wrote about this topic, and how he found a similar solution, in this Twitter thread:

This post is not to say ergonomic equipment and posture does not matter. It’s always worth getting comfortable devices when working all day long on them, and good posture will just prevent a lot of issues.

And you might actually have a physical problem, so as I said I’m not a doctor, this is no medical advice and I’m just sharing the story of what worked for me. It might not work for you, or maybe it might.

I wrote 21 books to help you become a better developer:

  • HTML Handbook
  • Next.js Pages Router Handbook
  • Alpine.js Handbook
  • HTMX Handbook
  • TypeScript Handbook
  • React Handbook
  • SQL Handbook
  • Git Cheat Sheet
  • Laravel Handbook
  • Express Handbook
  • Swift Handbook
  • Go Handbook
  • PHP Handbook
  • Python Handbook
  • Linux Commands Handbook
  • C Handbook
  • JavaScript Handbook
  • Svelte Handbook
  • CSS Handbook
  • Node.js Handbook
  • Vue Handbook them all now!

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