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Set custom cookie in the header and then redirect in Astro

I had the need to set a cookie and then redirect in Astro.

For some reason (using a library that wanted me to set a cookie string directly) I couldn’t use the Astro.cookies.set() API, which just works and you don’t need to worry about this.

Anyway I set the cookie using a response header using Astro.response.headers .append():


Using return Astro.redirect('/') right after this didn’t work because the cookie was not attached to the redirect.

I used this instead:

return new Response(null, {
  status: 302,
  headers: {
    Location: '/dashboard',
    'Set-Cookie': pb.authStore.exportToCookie(),

This is exactly what the Astro.redirect() does:

…except we set the Set-Cookie header too.

NOTE: for Safari compatibility on localhost (it doesn’t allow secure cookies on local), set the secure option as this:

return new Response(null, {
  status: 302,
  headers: {
    Location: '/dashboard',
    'Set-Cookie': pb.authStore.exportToCookie({
      secure: import.meta.env.DEV ? false : true

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