React Events
Learn how to interact with events in a React application
React provides an easy way to manage events. Prepare to say goodbye to addEventListener
In the previous article about the State you saw this example:
const CurrencySwitcher = props => {
return (
<button onClick={props.handleChangeCurrency}>
Current currency is {props.currency}. Change it!
If you’ve been using JavaScript for a while, this is just like plain old JavaScript event handlers, except that this time you’re defining everything in JavaScript, not in your HTML, and you’re passing a function, not a string.
The actual event names are a little bit different because in React you use camelCase for everything, so onclick
becomes onClick
, onsubmit
becomes onSubmit
For reference, this is old school HTML with JavaScript events mixed in:
<button onclick="handleChangeCurrency()">...</button>
Event handlers
It’s a convention to have event handlers defined as methods on the Component class:
class Converter extends React.Component {
handleChangeCurrency = event => {
this.setState({ currency: this.state.currency === '€' ? '$' : '€' })
All handlers receive an event object that adheres, cross-browser, to the W3C UI Events spec.
Bind this
in methods
Don’t forget to bind methods. The methods of ES6 classes by default are not bound. What this means is that this
is not defined unless you define methods as arrow functions:
class Converter extends React.Component {
handleClick = e => {
/* ... */
when using the property initializer syntax with Babel (enabled by default in create-react-app
), otherwise you need to bind it manually in the constructor:
class Converter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this)
handleClick(e) {}
The events reference
There are lots of events supported, here’s a summary list.
- onCopy
- onCut
- onPaste
- onCompositionEnd
- onCompositionStart
- onCompositionUpdate
- onKeyDown
- onKeyPress
- onKeyUp
- onFocus
- onBlur
- onChange
- onInput
- onSubmit
- onClick
- onContextMenu
- onDoubleClick
- onDrag
- onDragEnd
- onDragEnter
- onDragExit
- onDragLeave
- onDragOver
- onDragStart
- onDrop
- onMouseDown
- onMouseEnter
- onMouseLeave
- onMouseMove
- onMouseOut
- onMouseOver
- onMouseUp
- onSelect
- onTouchCancel
- onTouchEnd
- onTouchMove
- onTouchStart
- onScroll
Mouse Wheel
- onWheel
- onAbort
- onCanPlay
- onCanPlayThrough
- onDurationChange
- onEmptied
- onEncrypted
- onEnded
- onError
- onLoadedData
- onLoadedMetadata
- onLoadStart
- onPause
- onPlay
- onPlaying
- onProgress
- onRateChange
- onSeeked
- onSeeking
- onStalled
- onSuspend
- onTimeUpdate
- onVolumeChange
- onWaiting
- onLoad
- onError
- onAnimationStart
- onAnimationEnd
- onAnimationIteration
- onTransitionEnd
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- HTML Handbook
- Next.js Pages Router Handbook
- Alpine.js Handbook
- HTMX Handbook
- TypeScript Handbook
- React Handbook
- SQL Handbook
- Git Cheat Sheet
- Laravel Handbook
- Express Handbook
- Swift Handbook
- Go Handbook
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- Linux Commands Handbook
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- JavaScript Handbook
- CSS Handbook
- Node.js Handbook